Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Grey Days......but bright futures...(another poem)

we'd forgotten how grey the English autumn days can be, it seems like we haven't seen the sun in weeks and this can be rather depressing. it got me (Tim) thinking about living life in the sun, actually living life to the full and how so many people seem to be living their lives like a 'grey day' without fulfilling all the potential in their lives. 

often people have been held back, mainly by the culture they've grown up in or in social circumstances that have never allowed them to express themselves to the full or allowed them to move beyond the mainstream and those are hard walls to break down. I totally understand that and I also understand some of our life choices have led us to what are now difficult situations to break out of.

anways that said I do believe that there is a life worth living that is oft different to those that we are currently living out and this led me to write this short poem, which is sort of a work in progress but I hope it gives you some idea of where my thoughts have been going.

Poem ;- Grey People

'People living in colours of grey, when above the clouds its a beautiful day,

Lives that have never full begun, not having experienced the brightness of sun,

Seeing the world with monochrome vision, the colour all drained with no definition,

Wandering round with eyes half open, with youthful dreams unfulfilled and broken,

If only our teachers had seen more potential, with classes of children this is so essential,

What of the life of rainbow filled light? with the future ahead all shinning and bright?

It's time to step out with no hesitation, onto a path that leads beyond other peoples expectation,

Don't wait for someone to say its OK, dream big!, this is your life create your own gig today.

There are colours out there that look a bit bright, but don't worry I know they won't bite,

So don't miss out on your bright tomorrow, by following a path that only leads to more sorrow.

The End!

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