Monday, November 16, 2015

Our latest newsletter/support request....

children at a village where Love 'N Care
work in Madagascar
Dear Blog followers, we are sure that many of you who follow this blog will also be included on our emailing lists, however if you haven't read our latest emailed newsletter then please go ahead and continue reading.

Lots has happened since we last sent our email about our trip to Madagascar, firstly we have been blessed with funds to pay for the expensive flights to Antananarivo and secondly we have also bought, insured and taxed a little car which will enable us to travel about in England both before and after our trip.
our new run a round!

The guys on the ground in Madagascar have also been in touch and we just wanted to encourage you with their thoughts about us returning to share with them, its wonderful to know that they are excited about our return and what follows is some of their words which we hope will encourage you to support us as we seek to support them!

'Greetings from MADAGASCAR'

'We are so thrilled to have heard that Tim and Maz are coming here in Madagascar to serve with us in Love-N-Care next year'.

The email goes to on say that they:-

children thanking God for their food
at the Bethany school
 'believe that the skills (we) have developed during (our) time in South Africa will be great assets for Madagascar'.

One of the young men who attended our Sports Outreach training in 2014 continues with some encouragement saying:-

'it will be an opportunity to continue the training you stared with us here about sports and see what is working and what needs improving'

(twice the size of Great Britain)
sits in the Indian ocean
off the east coast of Africa
Our friend Theo, who works along side the Project Directors Cho and Deborah, continues with some words that make us feel very humbled but is exactly what we are feeling too:-

'I'm so thankful to Our Lord for your coming here I believe you are an answer to our prayers, you know when you shared about your training in emerging leaders I said to myself, yes Lord my country needs this ........but for this to come we need you both to come (and share this with us)'

The ending to the email is what we are seeking to do and reads:-

the young leaders who we shared our
sports outreach training with in May 2014
'Thank you for coming and your willingness to pour out yourselves and serve my country'

With our regular support from ThembalitshaUK ending last June we have had no regular income since then, therefore we are still a very long way from the amount that we need to ensure that this trip will be a success.

thanks Mr Nam for the use of
the photothat he took whilst out
visiting Love N Care Ministries 
As highlighted above we have had funds come through to pay for our flights and we are extremely thankful to those of you who have already given.

For those still considering supporting us for what we believe will be both a pivotal trip for us and the people of Madagascar then either click on this link to give online or please write a comment below or find us on Facebook to find out the best ways to give.

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