Monday, September 7, 2015

another poem.....'sit,see, engage, do?'

over the last few months I (Tim) have taken to writing some poetry, see previous posts beds beds and more beds and sea, I have also tried to still myself, daily, even hourly and become present in the here and now rather than in the rush from here to there as has been my norm for many years. whilst sitting alone in the beautiful garden on Sunday morning, others had left to attend church or enjoy a scooterthon, so I had some very private time to ponder, as I was sitting the following thoughts came into my mind and I have put them together to form this 'poem'.

Sit, see, engage, do?

We all sit under the same stars and sky, we all sit upon the same earth and breath in the same air in some place or another on this vast planet of ours. As we sit in contemplation have we ever taken the time to still ourselves so much that we feel the chill of realisation that the place where we sit right now could be in some place on earth with different sights and outcomes, away from the current safety and the silence we enjoy.

Sit in an airport or a station, humanity moves with one accord, busy minds with fixed agendas on onward journeys, some fleeing from awkward situations, others beginning an adventure towards a long time dream.

Sit in a dark jungle or forest where creatures great and insects small gather all around, eery sounds confuse the senses, fear grips of the untold dangers lurking in the shadows near, maybe far or maybe even in the mind.

Sit in a theme park or at a fun fair among the excitement, hearts pumping, stomachs churning, joy and exhilaration in the eyes, what will the next minute bring on the journey riding on tracks through the skies.

Sit in the desert on in the arctic, sand or snow blind the eye, the heat, the cold all around overwhelming the comfort of life, breath so pained with air so hot, so cold.

Sit in a city or a town people making their living, buy and sell then sell then buy, in the cafe conversation gathers around drinks that bring stress relief to those who gain and those that lose.

Sit by a river or near a stream the endless motion of water moving, willows and reeds surround with fowl and their tiny offspring fluffy with their new found down.

Sit in the middle of a township, homes of cardboard tin and nails, children playing in the gutter, stench so strong with little hope of food that day, third world problems of health and poverty maybe today the first world eyes will see?

Sit on a beach or at the ocean tan lined bodies all around, taking their annual vacation far from work and the daily grind, pleasures abet are fleeting, dream of next years trip do abide.

Sit in the classroom, teacher standing with wisdom and knowledge to exchange, students their heads astounded at all they're hearing, eager minds do engage, but too soon the bell rings, 'schools out', now what career to fulfill.

Sit in the stadium or in a crowd, the team, the band, set the stage alight with passion energy, lost in wonder of hero's performance bring forth the cheers receive the applause.

Sit in the operating theater where life ebbs away a way, doctors scurry with procedures designed to keep death at bay, death that has been always coming, none knowing the time or day, but unhindered it will come at its god given hour that can be certain.

Sit in the prison or in a cell, inmates count the hours, the days, how long before their freedom brings them home to loved ones dear, how long before they'll end up back inside?

Sit in a camp or on a boat overloaded with frightened families fleeing the war that has torn homes and lives apart, trying to find a place of safety, born in the wrong place at the wrong time......

Now we're back and find you sitting, overwhelmed by peace and silence, but this time with a sense that someones watching from on high, His eyes and hands upon you imploring you to engage, with all you've seen, the question He sets before you at what cost compassion and lives of grace?

there you go, I hope you enjoyed my penning.

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