Thursday, September 3, 2015

busy boys busy days...

picking beans with Noni
as i sit here in the serene silence of our host home having enjoyed a restful nights sleep and woken to a peaceful morning its somewhat hard to believe that this time last week this room was a riot of colour with boys toys strewn across the floor, the sounds of battle echoing through the house and our minds filled with ideas to keep our two little grandson's busy until the still times of the day could rescue us again.

ok i know all that sounds harsh but over the last few days we have been able to reflect and take stock of the whirlwind of a week that we enjoyed as we had our two grandson's come and stay with us, please read on to find out what amazing things we got up to with these two wonderful little souls.

we'd made our way down to Bristol to pick up Alfie and Eli (aged five and four respectively) on Sunday afternoon and after spending a night with Chris, Claire (their parents, our eldest and his wife) and their little sister Honor we packed up the car with a wide array of possessions that would remind them of home and keep them entertained during the week that they were to spend with us.

play day lego!
the journey home was uneventful, Eli had a little moment asking for his mummy as we set off but this was quickly dissipated as we caught his attention with a game of 'spot the yellow car', a game that we have played for many years, originally starting as the 'yellow mini punching game' introduced by our younger son's, Josh and Arron, and continuing on through to the village of hope and the school aged children on the morning and afternoon runs to collect them from their various places of education.

anyways, Eli soon got bored of spotting yellow cars and introduced his own version where we all picked various coloured cars and scored individual points for those, to be honest the game didn't capture the imagination like 'yellow car' and we were soon playing another well known travel favourite 'eye spy with my little eye'......
wet entry into Legoland

the boys were super excited, not only were they going to be spending a week with Noni (yes that's Maz' grand name!) and Granddad (me!) but they would also have chance to see Trefor and Mandy, the host of animals including Bella and Pimms (the dogs) and the most famous Cara (their youngest daughter, Tref and Mandy' daughter that is!). Chris and Claire make regular visits to spend time in the Aylesbury area so the boys were very familiar with their surroundings, the crazy thing was that Noni and Granddad were there too.
waiting for our first 4D movie!

after a quick lunch we were in full flow, making a visit to see Maz' parents in Whitchurch, about five minutes up the hill, the boys were very well behaved and it was great to see Maz' mum's hair staring to grow back after her bout of chemotherapy.

i don't want this post to become a timetabled list so you'll have to presume some things whilst we'll go into detail on other stuff.  anyways after what felt like an incredibly short sleep Eli came into our room complaining of a 'bad dream' so Maz' got up and spent the night in his room, calming his fears and providing the comfort that he sought. this would be a pattern that was repeated throughout the week, I took my turn the next night and came away being kicked black and blue as Eli is such a wriggle bottom, sleeping any which way in the bed, often upside down and sideways across the pillows.
Lego Firemen

our mornings started early with little attention being paid by Eli to the clock that we had bought up with us from Bristol, that said the boys were more than happy to play with their 'sticker books' or take some 'screen time' watching their favourite programmes on their pads. (try writing that twenty years ago, how would that have sounded!)

the weather for the week didn't offer much hope of long summer days playing in the garden but we did lower the trampoline to accommodate the boys and made the most of the second day by visiting a 'fun day' hosted by the local council in one of the beautiful villages near by, the boys enjoyed bouncing on the inflatable castle, had their faces painted and made animal masks. the enthusiasm of the young team was somewhat lacking and what with the inclement weather the event was poorly attended.
Leog Boats!

our afternoons were made up of completing some of the work sheets that Claire had sent for the boys, Eli is starting school next week and Maz worked with him on his number skills, whilst I took Alfie for some in depth  spelling work!

living around so many animals there were lots of opportunities for the boys to get involved with their care, one special task that took top prize was to collect the eggs from the three chickens, this event would obviously only happen once a day but Eli hoovered around the egg box on numerous occasions throughout the day hoping to be surprised by another egg to add to his collection.
Noni and Eli

the highlight of our week was to come on Wednesday as we made the hour long journey to Windsor, no we weren't invited to go see the Queen for tea, I'm not sure I would have gone even if she had have asked, that's right we were on our way to visit Legoland!, Lego is a big part of the boys lives, and what with all the various mutations based on well know themes, like Star Wars or Batman the theme park certainly lends itself to entertaining the minds of boys and girls who have grown up playing with these well know bricks!

preparing to drive the Lego cars
once again the weather didn't promise much but even by English standards we were to be surprised by the amount of rain that fell from the leaden skies within the first three hours of our visit. hope was only found by venturing inside to the Star Wars exhibition which was to provide the first whoops of excitement from the boys who had recently been introduced to this incredible story.

with little expectation of the weather brightening we made the best of a bad day, taking the somewhat mad choice of a race down a water slide with all of our clothes on, thankfully the boys were dressed in their all in one rain suits plus waterproof jackets, myself and Maz were a little less well clad and spent the rest of the day completely soaked from head to foot.
Alfie taking his driving very seriously 

they boys had an absolute blast, piloting little Lego boats, driving little Lego cars and as a family we took to a Lego fire engine to tackle an imaginary fire at a Lego house. one of my highlights was enjoying my first 4D movie where we watched Eli's favourite 'Legends of Chima' characters fly through their imaginary land, the effects were incredible with the whole audience feeling as through they were really there. 

C3PO and friends!
weather aside it was a truly brilliant day, we didn't leave until well after six and made our wet and weary way back home via the local McDonald's which was a real treat for the boys (and us, I know I know but come on just once in a while)!

Thursday came and went and although there was the prospect of visiting the Bucks County Show we'd blown the budget on getting into the theme park so we had a restful if not a little stressful day at home, the boys were so tired from their adventure that even the simplest game or activity was a bit of a mission. its sometimes hard to remember that the boys are only four and five years old and with so much expectation placed on little ones these days its hard for them just to be kids.
London in Lego

further visits from my mum and dad who came for tea, it was great to see her up and about after her hip operation. time spent picking blackberries ready for a crumble Maz was making for tea, and watching the farrier re-shoe one of the horses were other highlights as was time playing with their toy bow's and arrows which fired tiny darts at windows which I had adorned with targets made up most of the remaining time before Mummy and Daddy arrived back to save Noni and Granddad on Friday morning.

clearing the horse yard with Cara
it had been a great to spend such one to one time with the boys but one really forgets the amount of attention that children need, we're so glad we had our children at such a young age, we can't imagine starting a family in your forties, but hats off to those who do.

unfortunately Chris and Claire were both poorly over the weekend but with Cara, Beth and Trefor around we made the most of the time, helping with cutting down trees , riding on the quad bike and filling up the trailer with the remains of the green giants that had fallen foul of Trefor's chainsaw.

new shoes anyone?
the Bank Holiday weekend was a little wet but we all enjoyed spending time hanging out together and before we knew it the boys had gone home, little Honor in tow and our lives had returned back to normal, at least normal in what is a very none normal year.

as we finish writing this it's a weird sensation thinking that we should be readying ourselves for the planned flight back to Cape Town this evening but as we announced on Facebook last week we have delayed our return until the end of December when we shall be returning to sort a few things before moving on to the next chapter in our lives.

P.S we've updated our books list, found on the right hand side of this page, you might be surprised by a couple of the titles but hey we really are exploring who we are and where we fit in this crazy world.

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