Monday, December 7, 2015

Iona Poem

Since returning from our trip to the Holy isle of Iona we've been thinking a lot about our time there and yesterday morning woke with this poem in my (Tim's) head. We hope that it captures some of what we experienced during a week long stay there.

Waking early to see the sun arise
On a remote Scottish island of surprise
Watch him creep above the mountains of snow
Winter time adorned with a dull halo

Walk passed Highland cattle and fields of sheep
Stone walls abound them safe to keep
Gulls soar above in the dawn lit sky
Never ceasing with their mournful cry

Waves that pound this tiny place
Follow many to this sacred space
Ferries bob across the sea
Bringing those who just want to be

The Pilgrims come from far flung lands
To this isle where the High Cross stands
Marking points of Holy ground
Where many believe that God be found

Ancient stones an Abbey create
Monks believe it to be a hallowed gate
Where prayers are offered for the dead
And miracles happened it's often said

God is honoured still there now
Where kings and monarchs came to bow
Some now buried beneath the square topped tower
Having relinquished their earthly power

Walk along Iona's paths
To beaches and hills atopped with grass
And in the wind that blows around
Can you hear the Holy sound?

Of peace and hope and even love
That many miss from God above
Take time to think and listen to
The one who's heart is in yours too

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