Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Christmas wish

It's Christmas!

We want to send a very quick Christmas message and New Years wish to all of our wonderful family, friends and wider supporters. We know that your days will be busy with all the preparations that surround this time of year so we will keep this short and sweet.

So much has happened during this crazy year, never in our wildest dreams did we think that we would have experienced so much and after arriving back from our most recent trip to the Scottish Holy Island of Iona (you can read more about this trip here) we are now truly refreshed and ready and raring to go into 2016 with a new sense of calling.
Christmas Jumpers were
not my idea (Tim!)

As we remember God's gift to the world in the form of Jesus Christ at this time of year it is our desire to fulfill His call for us to love Him and also our neighbors as we love ourselves, whomever and wherever they are in this wide world. We are seeking to usher in His good news to the poor and truly be the hands of Christ to those we believe God is placing in our paths for this next season. 

It would be remiss of us not to thank all those who have already chosen to support our first 'self funded' trip to Madagascar, we do hope that you will know that we will use those funds wisely, but we would also highlight that our initial financial target is still miles away from being covered!

We do understand that there are many financial pressures at this time of year however if you are still considering supporting us for what we believe will be both a pivotal trip for us and the people of Madagascar then either click on this link to give online or please email us to find out the best ways to give. 

Signing off with best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a very happy and blessed New Year. Tim and Maz x

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