Monday, December 24, 2018

A Christmas Wish

We wanted to send out a short Christmas wish to each and every one of you. 

So before we go too far......


We are very aware that we know each of you on so many different levels, some of you will be close family, others old friends from years back, some have become friends recently during our travels and work in Africa, some we have just briefly met along the way and others only via social media such as this blog. 

However where you fit into our story matters not, we are just truly thankful to you for being part of our amazing lives.

2018 has been a very busy and interesting year for us, we have returned to South Africa on three occasions and we've made new and exciting adventures into Zimbabwe and Zambia. Each of those trips were to share and extend the Emerging Leaders programmes in those nations, seeking to call out that amazing amazing potential that is within each one of us. We've had some ups and downs but mainly our year was full of fun and joy as we engaged with some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Through these trips we have seen many lives transformed, made many new friends, reconnected with many others and heard of people writing new life stories for themselves, their finances, their families and their communities after attending the training sessions we have run.

During the year we have also had the opportunity to experience some awesome things, places we would have never dreamt that we would see so if you would like to have a look back throughout our year then please click on the following links to our blog, each post capturing a small segment of time during 2018.

Blazing new trails in South Africa 

Another month in sunny South Africa

Back on a green island and a holiday to a hot and sunny one!

To Africa, to England and to Africa again

a few weeks in Zimbabwe

From Zim to Zam

Health, wellbeing, family and friends

Running around the more ways than one!

We do hope you enjoyed reading one or two of those posts but thinking we'd best sign off now, we just wanted you to know that we do value your support in whatever ways you do that. 

If you do want to add to the smallish pot that we are collecting for our upcoming near on four month trip to Zimbabwe (twice), Zambia and Madagascar then please follow the links as below.

Either contact us directly at where we can provide you with our bank details or you could give directly by following the link to our PayPal giving page

So once again we want to wish you all a peaceful Christmas, a prosperous New Year and we hope to see you again in 2019, wherever you are in this precious world.

Blessings and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Tim and Maz

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