Tuesday, November 22, 2016

back in busy beautiful South Africa.....

maz and joe running a leadership for life module
in the hot South African sun!
so we've been back in South Africa for just over a week now, after arriving on a very rocky and hair raising flight through the thunderstorms from Antananarivo, via Johannesburg, to Cape Town and we have certainly hit the ground running.

it was very sad to say goodbye to our friends in Madagascar but we leave them with the knowledge that we have delivered on all aspects of our vision for our time there and have left an amazing team of trained trainers in both Antananarivo and Toamasina with the knowledge that we will be returning to work with these people in 2017.

Lekker braai 
this first week here in Grabouw has been a time for us to not only catch up with some of the wonderful local people who we'd grown to love during our six year stay here when working with the Thembalitsha Foundation but also setting up and attending meetings with different farms, businesses and organsiations who we are looking to work with to deliver the awesome Emerging Leaders, Leadership for Life, modules to all members of the local community and beyond.

initially we were hosted by our good friends Sandy and Ali before moving onto a local farm where we are also staying with some people who have become part of our lives over the last few years. one evening we were served a wonderful meal by Rob and Emily House at their newly built home in Sir Lowrys Village.

Our great friend 'Big Mike' who helped us with our xhosa
translation at our first training
on Friday evening we were interviewed by the local radio station on a programme talking about the 2020 vision of Grabouw, it was wonderfully to be able to share the dreams that we have for the next few months with some people of similar heart and mindset.

today we ran our first ever Emerging Leaders training on a local farm, it was fantastic to work with the existing team here in South Africa, as well as to see the eyes of the farm workers light up as they began to see themselves as leaders and the realisation that their lives are real stories which they are writing.

catching up with old friends in the community!
we've enjoyed lots of braai's, hugs and smiles since returning and although we think we've got our work cut out to deliver the numbers we have been set but we know that we have until the middle of April to work towards those, and its with great excitement that we look to the next steps of this journey, seeking to bring a tangible difference via mindset change to a town and people group that we love so much.

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