Saturday, October 29, 2016

so we've got news......

....what news we hear you cry!

well you're never going to believe it but Emerging Leaders have asked us to help assist in establishing a 'new model' of sustainable training which will help bring transformation into the farming communities in.....

.....South Africa!

yup you read that right and not just South Africa but specifically the Western Cape which is a place we know and love so much.

this opportunity came totally 'out of the blue' and the six month contract will mean that we will leave Madagascar in the middle of November and travel straight to Cape Town, we have already changed our existing return flights to England and we will initially be staying in the very valley where we spent near on seven years of our lives as we set up and then ran 'The Village of Hope' under the Thembalitsha Foundation.

there is a lot of work to do within this short space of time, but we are very excited to have this opportunity to work within a community and alongside people whom we have grown to love.

we are going to be looking at a this 'new model' for the UK High Street retailer, Marks and Spencer who are working towards their 'Plan A 2020' (should you wish to read more then please follow the link), with the wonderful existing Emerging Leaders 'team' in South Africa. 

this will include an integrated plan of community engagement via farms, schools and wider social networks with the understanding that without 'good leadership' there is no tangible change, therefore it is important for us to ensure that the leadership principles of the Emerging Leaders material is delivered, understood and put into practice by as many people as possible as we seek to show that 'everyone is a leader' and it starts with being able to lead your own life.

we will update further nearer the time, but just to say we are still very much focused on the work we are currently undertaking here in Madagascar and hold both opportunities to see communities transformed via 'leadership mindsets' at the forefront of our hearts.

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