Saturday, January 23, 2016

our South African poem

we've just spent three weeks in South Africa, meeting up with old friends, watching the cricket and packing up the remnant of our lives for shipping back to England. our time with the Thembalitsha Foundation has now come to an end and we are looking forward to all that is ahead of us as we move into the future.

as we return back to familiar surroundings, which will become our base for the next phase of our lives, we have been thinking about all the incredible experiences that we've had during our time serving in what is a truly amazing country and I (Tim) have written the following poem which is a honest reflection which we think captures all aspects of our time in South Africa. 

So the curtain on our lives in South Africa comes down
Ten years of memories of our time in Cape Town
Of people, places, the sights and sounds
In a stunning country, our stories abound

The tug of the AIDS orphans grabbed deep in our hearts
Could we make a difference to provide them new starts
Born with an illness with no known cure
That often impacts on families so poor 

Cape Town is home to some iconic sights
Like the mountain so flat with its awesome heights
And an island which sits within Table Bay
A home to a prisoner back in the day

Apartheid was banished a long time ago
But crowds still live in townships that overflow
In homes made of cardboard and wood and tin
The colour of their face seems their only sin

Up into the Overberg via the Sir Lowys pass high
Stands the town of Grabouw one oft passes by
But this was the place we were called to live
Offering hope with all we could give

We created a home called the Village of Hope
Where children who's parents were struggling to cope
Could stay with us for a month or so
Giving them love and a place to grow

In the townships we ran clubs each day
Where children could play sports right where they stay
Lifestyle and health were taught with a ball
Much fun and laughter was enjoyed by all

We made great friends with the rich and the poor
Welcomed in to all homes via every door
Homes set in vineyards and orchards so green
Others in places few venture or want to be seen

With mountains and lakes and sunshine abounding
Our days living there were all quite astounding
Weekends at the beach enjoying the sun
Taking time out after a hard day was done

Tough days were faced almost every week
Wiping the tears of those too sad to speak
But the hope we provided was welcomed by all
They were so grateful we followed our call

Other folk came to join us from far and near
Working and building the vision was clear
Honouring man as if unto God
Ushering in Christ wherever we trod

Students from Holland and Germany too
Offered their time right out of the blue
Constructing buildings from straw and clay
Supporting the children in their own special way

Our staff were amazing and family became
Working together we are all the same
Human beings wanting to share
The love in our hearts for those in our care

We stayed in that town for over six years
Each day giving more blood, sweat and tears
But that season has passed all in a blur
We now sit here wondering how that all did occur

Now we've left and said our sad goodbyes
To a projects of hope where we gave our whole lives
But onward and upward we venture ahead
Seeking God for a new place to lay our head

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