Friday, October 16, 2015

Madagascar calling

Life in the pangalanes 
Following on from our last post we are so pleased to provide you with an update on the first overseas trip we will be making in early 2016. Should you be interested in supporting us in what we feel is the next phase of our life journey then please click on this link to give online or contact us via email by clicking here.

Preparing for our First Overseas Trip in 2016

children praying at the Bethany School
Unlike most of the world our first connections with Madagascar weren't though the 'Dreamworks' cartoon films featuring the adventures of the Alex the lion and his band of lemurs and penguins but via the visit of a couple of amazing men to the Village of Hope in 2013.

As we showed them around the project and the community where we worked there was a spark of connection, similar thoughts with similar hearts to serve and make a tangible difference. After further discussions with them we decided to make a short visit to see the work they were involved with in the east of what is the worlds fourth biggest island. 

some of the team we will be working with
In May 2014 we made the long flight from Cape Town to Madagascar and spent a couple of weeks with them, visiting their extensive projects and taking time to share the Sports Outreach project that we had implemented in Grabouw with 20 local youth workers. This was an incredible privilege and somewhat humbling experience, highlighted by the fact that a couple of the young men had ventured for up to five hours through the jungle rivers in dugout canoes to attend the programme, which we hosted in a large church in the middle of Toamasina.
teaching youth workers in toamasina

During our short trip we not only sowed seeds of hope and life into the lives of over 20 young men and women who were keen to share the love of God with the local children via the medium of football (which we had seen work to great effect in South Africa) but we were able to see the amazing work that Love 'n Care Ministries are doing in this very very poor and needy nation.

We were able to visit the schools, street children and prison work that had been set up by Cho (a missionary from South Korea) and his team, as well as having the opportunity to travel down the inland waterways (called the Pangalanes) to see the conditions of remote communities who are only accessible by river, it really was like stepping back in time.
travel along the pangalanes

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world and after coming out of a five year coup, coupled with its location in the middle of the India Ocean, set over 250 miles off of the coast of Mozambique, it really has been left behind as the world moves forward.

medical center along the pangalanes
Our plan is to return to Toamasina for three months in 2016, setting out from England in the middle of February, we will be living and working with Cho and the current Love 'n Care network to share the Emerging Leaders material with them. In essence the material created by Emerging Leaders looks to provide practical help and thoughts around leading your own life, leading your familyleading your finances and leading your community. We have seen the difference that this material can have and we are excited to invest in the people of Madagascar to help them experience the hope that this programme offers, one personone family and one community at a time.

How can you help?
maz sharing with children in a local church!

Our immediate needs are as follows, 1, financial support for our (modest) living expenses whole we are training and preparing in the UK between now and mid-February (our support from Thembalitsha stopped in July and we have run out of funds to live on!) 2, to purchase the car that we have has the use of since returning to England in May. 3, to fund the costs of the unfortunately expensive flights to and from Antananarivo and then internally to Toamasina, which we are looking to pay for during the next couple of days!, and 4, our monthly living costs in Madagascar for the three months from mid-February onward.

We would be really grateful if you could commit to supporting us in once off gift and we have set up an online giving page (click here to follow that link) or if you are a UK taxpayer and resident in the UK please send us an email reply and we can explain how you can give that way so as the gift aid can be reclaimed.

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