Monday, August 3, 2015

six months and counting.....

family time with our parents plus josh and haddy
enjoying time with my sister and brother-in-law
we can hardly believe that we've been journeying for over six months since leaving the Village of Hope at the end of January, but before we answer the question that is on everyone's lips and look into the future (people really can't stop asking) we have written this post as an update of the last few weeks where among other things we have had chance to provide some support to Maz' Mum and Dad, chill out with Tim's parents, hang out with both our Sisters and Brother-in-law's, catch up with old friends from near and far, house and horse sit, garden and repaint the sables, as well as taking some time to enjoy the beauty of England in the summertime including trips to Silverstone to watch some motor racing (which was fantastic). 
more food with our adopted family (thanks Beth!)

so what follows is a quick snapshot of the last few weeks which we hope you'll enjoy reading.

England in the summer time (no our house or car by the way!)
firstly it has been an apt time for us to be home, it was sort of planned but we had no idea of the real need as Maz' Mum underwent some extensive chemotherapy and then a large operation, which seems to have been successful. much of the care and support that Maz' Mum has received had come from Maz' sister so it has been great from Maz to step in and help out with her Mum in the mornings, cleaning, ironing, gardening and being around to provide support as and when needed. we are blessed to have been given the use of a car during this time so we were also able to take Maz' mum to a follow up appointment at the hospital in Oxford. Trefor and Mandy continue to bless us with the use of their wonderful home which is only five minutes from where Maz' Mum and Dad live.
not sure who's more worried!

We enjoyed a quick trip up to London and back to meet up with Josh to celebrate his 26th birthday, it was really special to be there to enjoy the day with him and his lovely girlfriend, Haddy (we are so looking forward to spending more time with them next week as we travel with them to France for a week's holiday!)
busy boy....

Trefor and Mandy enjoyed a well earned rest time as they attended the New Wine conference with some friends from the Aylesbury Vale Vineyard church so we were left in charge of the house, horses and a few maintenance jobs which kept us busy whilst they were away. Cara (their youngest daughter) was at home, although she was working away during the days, so it was a new routine for us to be around for the horses to feed, water and let them out into the fields at the correct times. that all sounds a bit stressful but there was only one horse that needed our immediate attention and I think Maz quite enjoyed making friends with the huge beast.
summer fruit picking

We picked the ripe blackcurrants, redcurrants and raspberries which will all be used to top luscious summer deserts during the remainder of the year and although the sun hasn't shone too much we have really enjoyed being outside.

whilst Maz was busy at her Mum's I carried on with some maintenance on the stables, it was quite therapeutic sanding down, preparing and then painting the wood, in fact I spent so much time listening to podcasts and enjoying Test Match Special to hear England soundly beat Australia in the third test that time seemed to fly by.

more food with great people!
As I sit here writing this blog the picture of me taking time to restore the old stables is quite a poignant one for us at the moment, the wood needed to have the old paint stripped back to expose the solid base on which the new paint could be applied, I had to ensure that the paint was applied in large enough quantity so that it seeped into the wood, however not all the old paint or wood was rotten there were some decent patches which would provide a firm foundation to be built upon. looking at that analogy right now that seems to be what's happening to us in this time of sabbatical, we really are allowing
catching up with emma (again)
God time to strip us back to the firmer foundations of our lives and our faith so that we can once again be built upon, or receive a new coat on which we are confident to move into the new season in full protection. I just hope that I was ruthless enough with the stables to ensure that the new paint will last for some years to come!

Mel in England
We enjoyed meeting up with Emma Podmore (twice in a few weeks as she returned again to attend her beloved Granddad's funeral), Rob and Emily and also Mel Kidd who were all over enjoying some much needed down time from their time of giving at the Village of Hope/Thembalitsha Foundation. it was good to see all of them face to face, listen to their stories and bless them as they return to serve the least, last and the lost.

Dad at a wet Silverstone
and finally for now I spent a couple of days, one very wet and the other not so bad, at the Silverstone Classic25 motor racing event which was a celebration of classic racing with literally hundreds of classic single seater, touring car and Group C Le Mans cars being driven at break neck speeds around the full Grand Prix circuit on which Lewis Hamilton won the latest Formula One Grand Prix a week before. the cars worth millions of pounds provided two full days of quality racing and it was great to see some of the cars that shaped my childhood and it rekindled a love of a sport that is close to my heart.

full grid of 1970's and 1980's F1 Grand Prix cars (amazing)
so as we finish typing this post we are expectant on the next steps of our lives, living without support or current direction but trusting God to show us His path that we are eager to follow but in His timing and not mans!

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why and when you wished we were with you - horse duties!!
