Thursday, April 23, 2020

St George and the dragon

Today is a very English day, it's the day of our national saint the one and only horse riding slayer of the dragon, St George, and its around this that I'm gonna build this post.

Our dear St George isn't the most well known saint, surely that must go to the pin up of saints him of snake chasing fame St Patrick who so many pledge allegiance too on the 17th March when it would seem that the whole of Ireland plus the United States, who don't actually have their own patron saint, along with anyone who is up for a good time dons a green leprechaun hat complete with built in ginger beard and head down to the nearest bar selling Guinness and spend the night getting drunk whilst singing classic irish songs by English born Shane Macgowan and his Pogues!

National saints days or national days, like the 4th of July, when our own little nations gather around a common flag are celebrated in different ways around the world and from my point of view can seem quite jingoistic with thoughts poporting the fact that our saint is better than yours, our flag is bigger than yours, our nation is richer that yours, which then leads to resentment or apathy from others be they nations or individuals who feel belittled by all the flag waving.

I believe that at this time as the world suffers together, not individual nations, although I'm sure that some would love to continue to think that they are either immune or separate to what is sweeping over this world, my hope is that we become more united during this time. It would seem to me that it's our own individualistic, self centered lives have contributed to the plight that we are now enduring. Life has become all about me, my life, my house, my car, my family, my youtube, Facebook or Instagram account, my bank balance, my pension fund, my political party, my nation, my ideals and my thoughts, however as we continue in this lock down state what are the things that we crave?

Being outside together, interacting with others and we are finding out that we are not individuals locked away, we want to be free.

As we continue through this challenging time I feel that we are looking to a common saviour, so today as we celebrate the life of our patron saint it's my hope that we might indeed find a way to slaye this new dragon which is causing so much suffering and pain, riding under a banner of a red cross, and whatever your belief, this red cross represents grace, salvation, redemption and help coming from near and afar.

This isn't just a day for Englishmen to celebrate, its a day when we need to unite together for the better of our world.