Monday, February 11, 2019

A few weeks in South Africa - and now we are in Zambia

Well 2019 is now in full flow and since our last update we've spent just over two weeks in South Africa, which was extremely hot compared to the snow that we left in England, and are now sitting in a slightly more humid Zambia where we shall be spending a further couple of weeks before heading south to Zimbabwe.
A day at the Train the Trainer

Our time in South Africa was very unexpected due to the situation in Zimbabwe but it proved invaluable, not only did it give us a chance to catch up with all of the current trainers of the Emerging Leaders programmes who are working on the farms sharing the Leadership for Life programme, as well as those who are working with teachers, children and their parents in six schools in the first intervention of that kind which is having a profoundly impressive impact.

We also had the opportunity to attend a day of the most recent 'Train the Trainer' which was being run by Lennox and Joe from South Africa and Steve who is head of Training for Emerging Leaders who joined them from England. Over 30 people were trained up to deliver the Leadership for Life programme into both new commercial areas as well as the communities where they live.
Viewing the new Emerging Leaders South Africa film

One morning we spent viewing the new film that we have been working on which follows the story of how the Leadership for Life programme is impacting the lives of those who attend the training and apply it to their lives and we also visited two of the ladies who had been attending the programme in the large township of Khayelitsha and who's stories we will also be filming to show that the impact and reach goes beyond the farm gate and on into the communities via the people who have been trained to share it.

These are exciting times for Emerging Leaders in South Africa and as the team on the ground grows we are proud to have been part of the development of this over the last few years.
A run out with Mike!

Time in Cape Town always allows us to catch up with old friends, Mike was one such person, Mike is an ex-sports mentor from our time at the Village of Hope and was on the Train the Trainer for the Emerging Leaders programme. I (Tim) even managed to get out for an early morning run with him in the trails around Waterval. 

We were blessed to be hosted for a few days with our friends Ann and Jannie in Elgin, they always make us feel so welcome and we had chance to meet up with Barbara and spend some time with her on the beach over the weekend and share a meal with Rob and Emily House who we used to share life and work with in Grabouw.
Beautiful Camps Bay

During our first week in Cape Town we spent a few nights with Nick, who heads up Emerging Leaders in South Africa, his wife and children at their home, it was good to spend time with them, chatting around the future and enjoying it's lofty position above the city and just under the ever impressive Table Mountain. This also gave us access to some awesome trail runs right from their door, including a 20km run around the sights of Cape Town. 
Fires on Lions Head

It is a worrying time of year in the Western Cape, with the constant treat of wildfires springing up at anytime. Whilst we were staying with Nick we had the first hand experience of this as his property gave us awesome if not worrying view over the fires which blew up over Lion's Head on a Sunday afternoon.

You'll be aware we have both really got into our running recently so not only were we able to enjoy those runs around Cape Town but we were also able to compete in the Cape Summer Trail Series, an event that had to be moved from Oak Valley, which was impacted by a week long wildfire above the farm where the race was supposed to take place. 

Tim during the trail race above Grabouw

Our friends from Trails End hosted the event at the last moment and I took on the 25km race, whilst Maz joined the 7km event which started and finished at the same place as mine. We were both pleased with our results, I even managed to finish second in the Masters race which was held over a very challenging course up into the stunning mountains, which were covered in a low cloud which provided some relief from what could have been a very hot day, above the Eikenhof Dam.

Stunning views around the Cape
We were sad to say our goodbyes to Cape Town but are now excited to see what the next few weeks will bring as we work with Chris and Rebecca Viola who run Driven Ministries in Kabwe, a town that sits around two hours north of Lusaka and who we shared the Leadership for Life programme with in August last year. Click here to see our update from that time.
The wet season in Zambia sees high temperatures
causing thunderstorms in the afternoons.
View from the Viola's stoep

Over the next few weeks we will be running a Train the Facilitator here in Zambia, where we hope to have around 20 people attend and who we will invest in so that they have the skills and materials to deliver the programmes into the communities where they live and the charities and faith communities that they serve.

We'll update you again before we head off to Zimbabwe but for further and immediate updates please visit our personal Facebook and Instagram pages.